Neighbourly love
Buzenval 75020
06.07.09 1005AM
NONSENS. Went to work at eleven and managed to cut my finger really bad. C gave me a yellow plaster. I sold twenty two chocolate cones in one hour and as a reward for good work i got 1/2 liter of ice cream. Vanilla caramel brownie and chocolate midnight cookies. After work i hung out at HD as usual, for two and a half hour - addicted to that place? Then i went home and ate all the ice cream. Good diet E.
Sur les toits de paris

LIVING. Yesterday i went to la maison européenne de la photographie and saw some amazing pictures taken by gérard uféras and henri cartier-bresson. Then i met T who had a present for me, and in the evening i went to Ps place. We hung out on his roof with the most beautiful view over paris. We ate sushi and drank beer in the sunset.
My roommate got photographed in random paris environments

INFO. Model: vera jarnskog. Photographer: evelina nylander.
August 15,16&17. Bethel, New York. Summer festival. Three days, not hours, of music.

00:00. My throat hurts and i just figured out that i hate food that is hard to eat. Fucking chicken legs. Btw it's a new tee.

SICK. Vaknade upp med en svidande hals och ett lätt illamående. Tog en varm dusch sen ringde telefonen - min manager sa att jag inte behövde jobba idag. Har druckit kaffe, ätit rostat bröd med jordgubbssylt och kollat på hela Californication serien.
Spontaneous laughter

080609. Det är bara med J som man letar efter finska stolar, blir bjuden på orgasmic-god mousse au chocolat bakelse, får hemlösa vänner, snubblar på platt mark, går på toa varje kvart (inget krydd) och får en plastring i form av ett rosa hjärta. Det blir inga sånna äventyr på ett tag nu, vi får ta igen dem i götet Jeppe.
Trouville was too corky and in Honfleur we got pretty colorful
Squinted eyes

03:23. Tierd as hell. Sitting in front of the computer like a fucking zombie. Squinted eyes. With all the problems i've had at work this week i just want to jump from the balcony. A bruise on my left knee and the old hag who deceived me three times. 159,75 euros gone. Have to go to the police and tell them the whole story again.
I don't want to leave paris anymore, i'm seriously in love

Saturday 15:03 lying in the grass at parc des tuileries with a book and a baguette. 18:37 went by HD and ate une crêpe avec nutella with my colleagues. 19:12 drank a café crème with sauce fudge at HDs terrace. 23:48 had a couple of beers with some ppl. 02:26 saw the most beautiful view over paris from one of the towers at the st sulpice church. Sunday 06:11 saw the sunrise over paris, still from the tower. 07:33 had a pain au chocolat and a coffee with some guys at one of st michels terraces. 08:58 got home. 09:04 went out running for 20 min. 09:45 went to the market next to my place and bought strawberries and a watermelon. 10:23 slept for one hour. 14: 38 had picknick by the eiffeltower with adorable ppl. 17:51 hang out at starbucks with a friend who is visiting. 18:40 hang out at HD, again. 19:33 went to see history's worst horror movie, laughed through the whole movie . 01:26 had a smoke at Vs boyfriends place. Monday 02:39 went to bed.