Brighter than sunshine

COVER. Chloékopiorna kommer def. bli nästa köp! Fast med 8,50 på kontont kan det bli lite trixy. But i really need them, ska ringa mamma. Lyssnar på aqualung och äter paj.

060609. Pics from a roadtrip with J in june.
Cyberlink youcam

It dont make any difference to me

PPFFFFF. Rastlös. Seg. Trött, konstant. What to do? Kanske en köttbullemacka. No sun. Ömtålig. Ick. Wyclef jean, drinking coffee. An other ipren. What to do?
22:10. Jag har inga pengar. Hur fan går det ihop med alla mina reseplaner? Ska sälja massa skit som ligger och dammar överallt. Ska även sluta skriva på engelska, hade tydligen varit ute och druckit björnar för ett tag sen.

FCK. I: "I'm red like santas outfit". Sis: "No, you're shining like a redlight". None of it is particularly charming.
Sam, willy and the enormous gull

SAMSAM. I've been with S these last couple of days. I've missed you darling. Now we are planning our future together, the french riviera, paris and new york. It seems really good, i just need some money...
Eggshells, häagendazs ice cream, overweight and lacquered tights

16:14. Random pics from paris II.
Si tu me disais ta soif est-ce que ca calmerait la mienne?

17:07. Random pics from paris.
Don't look any further while your vision is clear

STUCK. I'm stuck with grandma in our summer house, watching a wierd movie, drinking coke. Basically doing nothing.
Ps. guess what

SEVENTEEN. It was sis bday yesterday. We ate strawberry cake with svedbergarna and talked about memories. It's pretty nice to be home but i forgot that 15 degrees and rain is normal during the summer here. Time to eat the rest of the cake.
On Ps roof

01:16. And i'm home, back in gothenburg. I miss paris already but i'm sure i'm gonna have some nice adventures here too.

NEW. Wesc headphones and H&M sweater.
Cent pourcent pur jus pressé

SNAKE. It's too hot! Normally i shouldn't complain but now i am since there's no sea in paris. So instead of bathing i'm sitting twenty centimeters from the breeze i found in the apartment yesterday drinking tropicana orange juice with pulp. Btw i found a cool ring the other day. Ps i'm gonna miss you LL.