I'm off

XOXO. See you in paris.
Tomorrow i leave shitty mölndal

15:45. Packing and eating noodles.
Röda sten, öckerö

I (L) my new studded bag

23:05. Looking at changeling and trying to convince E not to kill herself. I love that blondie, and my bag.
She's god damn good looking

Yesterday 22.08.09

Coffee with mellanmjölk
Vicky christina barcelona

VCB. One of my favorite movies. I just love it.
Paris tout simple

FR. Dans six jours je serai de retour à paris. Gare de l'est 12:34.
Hanging high

PREFERENCES. Wang look-alike, leopard scarf, wesc headphones, black cap, studded bag. I had lunch with S and C today at le petit café. Recap during three hours.

20:39. Comfy clothes, dirty hair, coke and chocolate. It's gonna be an awesome friday night.
What am i to do? should i go home still sober or should i buy me another glass of wine and forget about time?

090820. I put on a party dress and some makeup. Went to a birthday party, had a glass of something, talked to old classmates and then i took the bus home. I wasn't in the mood. I'm gonna watch a crappy movie instead and wait for my dad to come home. He got me some presents from shanghai.

Tempo has reached critical level
ADRENALINE. I just love it. Enormously. Three hours in a row. No thinking. Music, sweat, music. Following. Improvising. Nothing else matters. No shilly-shallying, no stress. Rhythm. Adrenaline. Being me. Inside, outside. Complete. Filled with joy. Joy. It's been a while. It's been too long. Somewhere else. Gone for a while. Away. Feelings. Unrecognized. Gone.
På landet

DARK. Time to say good night.
A lot like sisters

00:07. Update nice: we got an apartment. A very nice one. Big and cheap, whit white walls and parquet flooring.
Copenhagen, karlsruhe, paris, perpignan, barcelona, montpellier, nice

TRIP. The trip is booked! S and I are leaving mölndal august 27. We're taking the train all the way from gothenburg to nice. I'm really looking forward to our two days in paris and four days in barcelona. And september 03 our new lives starts in nice. I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!

You're staring me down, a glance makes me weak, eyes for striking

WET. Today i swam 20 lengths, 1 km. It took 32 min. I'm gonna do the same tomorrow. But faster. Time to make something eatable. Sisters coming over tonight.
À la folie

ELLE. Tu me fais toujours rire. Je t'adore petite soeure.
Gamla varvet 1147PM

By the shed

Ctrl Copy

999,90. I bought the chloé shoes today, ate a QP menu and talked about the future with S. For once we are really starting to plan for the riviera. I wanna travel, i'm fed up with gothenburg.
The sweeping insensitivity of this still life

NALICK. Cause you can't jump the track, we're like cars on a cable. And life's like an hourglass, glued to the table. No one can find the rewind button.

SCREW IT. I'm having one. Two. Five.